Please direct all giving into the Agape Box at the entrance of church or you can give directly:
Calvary Chapel Whangarei – ANZ Bank 06-0977-0824249-00

Thank you for choosing to support Calvary Chapel Whangarei. We appreciate your commitment to the Gospel and lookforward to your involvement with our fellowship. Your generosity will enable us to continue to bring the Gospel to the community and make a difference in the lives of those who don’t know Jesus.
Sharing our resources with other Christians and those in need has been a central part of Christianity since the very first days of the early church. Part of our worship is expressed in giving back to the Lord from the income with which He has blessed us.
We often hear the expression “if this ministry’s been a blessing to you, we’d appreciate your support”. While this is certainly a logical response, our giving should be more than simply “paying for services”; our offerings are first to bless and honor God, and second to support and participate in the ministry of the gospel.
Scripture says giving is to be viewed as a spiritual act of worship and that it is to be the joy and responsibility of every believer. Giving money to the Lord is not something that we are supposed to view as a burdensome obligation, rather quite the contrary. This is a radical and counter-cultural point of view. Because while the rest of the world worships money as god, we are to worship God with our money.
The Bible teaches that God has called every believer to give regularly, generously, cheerfully, and in proportion to what they have been given. This sacrificial kind of giving makes sense in light of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. As we invest in God’s work, we store up treasures in heaven and participate in what the Lord is doing on the earth now. (2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 6:20, Proverbs 3:9)